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What is Starbucks Cold Foam?

With the summer season upon us, cold coffee drinks are in order and Starbucks cold foam is the perfect finish to these beverages.  While you may be familiar with hot, steamed milk foam that you would get in lattes and cappuccinos, cold foam is different.  If you’re unfamiliar with Starbucks cold foam, here’s a quick rundown.

what is starbucks cold foam

How is Starbucks cold foam made?

Cold foam is made using a special blender that whips nonfat milk very quickly to create a creamy texture and flavour without the cream but still contains dairy.

When was Starbucks cold foam introduced?

Starbucks first debuted cold foam when it opened the doors to the Reserve Roastery in Seattle in December 2014.  The feature drink was the Americano Con Crema which is topped with a coffee-spiced cold foam.

How does Starbucks cold foam taste?

I have really enjoyed the Starbucks cold foam: it wasn’t rich nor sweet but rather frothy, cold, smooth, and somewhat dry.  It added a fun creamy texture to the beverages without actual cream.  I have had cold foam in the Starbucks Salted Cream Cold Foam Cold Brew and the Starbucks Summer Sunrise and Sunset Cold Foam Tea Lemonades.

How to order Starbucks cold foam and how much does it cost?

There are specialty cold foam beverages which already come with cold foam (as mentioned above).  For other iced beverages, cold foam can be added as an extra topping.  At Vancouver Starbucks locations, I found cold foam to be an extra $0.60 CDN.  Pro Tip: If you are doing mobile order, you can select for cold foam under “Toppings.”

Enjoy Starbucks cold foam with strawless lids

The cold foam sits at the top of your drink (like a topping) and with Starbuck’s strawless lids you can enjoy a bit of the foam with every sip.

what is starbucks cold foam

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