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Best YiFang Fruit Tea Drinks | Top YiFang Fruit Tea Drinks 2021

YiFang Fruit Tea is a Taiwanese-based bubble tea and fruit tea chain with locations worldwide. Here’s a look at the Best YiFang Fruit Tea Drinks.

Best Yifang Fruit Tea Drinks | Top Yifang Fruit Tea Drinks 一芳水果茶

About YiFang

The brand is named after the founder’s grandmother, Yi Fang, who was born in 1920 when Taiwan was under the colonial rule of Japan.

Yi Fang married a pineapple farmer who worked under grueling, hot weather on their pineapple farm.

To care for her husband and show him her love, she took over-ripened pineapples and prepared a classic, preserved homemade pineapple jam which she incorporated into refreshing drinks for him.

The drinks helped to cool her husband from the heat and quench his thirst.

The recipe for Yi Fang’s classic preserved pineapple sauce is used in the brand’s Signature Fruit Tea.


Using only natural ingredients, organic cane sugar and organic fresh fruits, Yi Fang Taiwanese Fruit Tea brings the grandmother’s sincere love and care for her husband back to life. The brand does not use artificial flavours and powders.

yifang marine gateway

Yi Fang strives to recreate the authentic Taiwanese taste.

Their fruit juices and tea leaves are imported directly from Taiwan and they use only organic, seasonal fruit and milk.

YiFang sources tea from the local tea gardens of Mingjian, Lugu and Sun Moon Lake.

The brand carefully selects local seasonal fruits from different regions in Taiwan, such as pineapples from Guanmiao, Green Plum from Xinyi Township, Granadilla from Puli, Roselle from Jinfeng, Kumquat from Ilan, Cane from Shikou, and Lemon from Jiuru.

Local organic milk is used. No artificial milk powder or creamer is added.

The brand uses natural braised cane sugar which has a light sweet taste and has a golden yellow colour.

Best Yifang Fruit Tea Drinks | Top Yifang Fruit Tea Drinks 一芳水果茶

Want to know which are the best drinks to order at YiFang? Here are the recommended drinks named by YiFang Canada.

Best Yifang Fruit Tea Drinks | Top Yifang Fruit Tea Drinks 一芳水果茶

Yifang Fruit Tea 一芳水果茶
The YiFang Signature Fruit Tea ingredients are Taiwan pineapple sauce, passion fruit, apple, orange, and jade tea. Ingredients cannot be removed or substituted.

Jinfeng Roselle Lemon Slice 金峰洛神檸檬
Taiwan Jinfeng Roselle Juice and Fresh Jade Tea.

Pearl Black Tea Latte 粉圓鮮奶茶
Sun Moon Lake black tea, fresh local organic milk, and chewy pearl balls. cannot be removed or substituted.

Grass Jelly Tea Latte 仙草凍奶茶
Natural grass jelly in Sun Moon Lake black tea and fresh local organic milk.

Mashed Taro Milk 手熬芋頭鮮奶
Creamy mash taro with local organic milk, no artificial color added.

Pineapple Green Tea 金鑽鳳梨綠
Handcrafted Taiwan pineapple sauce and pouchong green tea.

Shikou Cane Jade Tea 溪口甘蔗青茶
Taiwan Shikou cane Juice & Songboling Jade tea.
使用嘉義縣溪口甘蔗搭配松柏嶺青茶, 甘甜芳香.

Black Sugar Pearl Tea Latte 黑糖粉圆鲜奶茶
Black Sugar Soft Pearl, Sun Moon Lake Black Tea and Organic Local Milk. Note: ice and sweetness level is fixed. No topping is allowed.

Black Sugar Pearl Milk 黑糖粉圆鲜奶
Black Sugar Soft Pearl and Organic Local Milk.

YiFang Menu

Here are drinks on the YiFang menu. Availability varies by location. Please check with your local YiFang for most accurate menu.

Tea 原茶

Sun Moon Lake Black Tea 日月潭紅茶
Taiwan Premium Black Tea from Nantou Sun Moon Lake.
使用南投縣日月潭茶葉。茶湯鮮紅清澈, 滋味甘潤醇美。

Lugu Oolong Tea 鹿谷烏龍
Taiwan Premium Oolong Tea from Nantou Lugu Township.

Pouchong Green Tea 包種綠茶
Taiwan Premium Green Tea from Nantou Mingjian Township.
使用南投縣名間鄉茶葉。茶湯蜜綠帶黃金色, 香氣較青茶濃郁香氣清心怡人,透徹爽口。

Songboling Jade Tea 松柏嶺青茶
Taiwan Premium Jade Tea from Nantou Songboling Mountain.
使用南投縣松柏嶺茶葉。茶湯顏色清澈, 香氣較淡而清香。

Jinfeng Roselle Lemon Slice 金峰洛神檸檬
Taiwan Jinfeng Roselle Juice and Fresh Jade Tea.
使用台東縣金峰鄉洛神花茶搭配新鮮檸檬片, 滋味酸甜, 營養豐富。

Traditional Winter Melon Juice 古釀冬瓜茶
Taiwan Winter Melon Juice from Tainan city. Cannot adjust sweetness level.
使用台南市東山冬瓜。每日手工熬煮冬瓜露, 古早好味道.(甜度固定.)

Guanshi Mesona Herb Tea 關西仙草茶
Taiwan Guanshi Mesona Herb Extract and Winter Melon Juice. Cannot adjust sweetness level.

Roselle Kumquat Green Tea 洛神金桔绿茶

Fruit Tea 水果茶

Yifang Fruit Tea 一芳水果茶
The YiFang Signature Fruit Tea ingredients are Taiwan pineapple sauce, passion fruit, apple, orange, and jade tea. Ingredients cannot be removed or substituted.
純手工熬煮台灣土鳳梨搭配新鮮柳橙, 蘋果, 百香果及松柏嶺青。

Puli Passion Fruit Green Tea 埔里百香綠
Taiwan puli passion fruit and pouchong green tea.
使用南投縣埔里鎮盛產之百香果搭配包種綠茶, 其味芳香濃郁。

Pineapple Green Tea 金鑽鳳梨綠
Handcrafted Taiwan pineapple sauce and pouchong green tea.
以純天然手工熬煮台灣土鳳梨搭配包種綠茶, 其味酸甜清香。

Winter Melon Lemon Juice 冬瓜檸檬露
Handcrafted winter melon juice and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
以手工熬煮冬瓜露搭配新鮮現榨檸檬汁, 呈現香甜微酸的美妙口感.

Jiuru Lemon Green Tea 九如檸檬綠
Freshly squeezed lemon juice and pouchong green tea.
以新鮮現榨檸檬汁搭配包種綠茶, 其味香濃微酸。

Jiuru Lemon Jade Tea 九如檸檬青
Freshly squeezed lemon juice and Songboling Jade Tea.
以新鮮現榨檸檬汁搭配松柏嶺青茶, 其味清香微酸。

Aiyu Jelly Lemon Green Tea 中華愛玉檸檬
Freshly squeezed lemon juice, green tea, cane sugar, and aiyu jelly. Contains 1 Portion of Aiyu Jelly. NOTE: Aiyu Jelly cannot be removed or substituted.
新鮮現榨檸檬汁加上手工熬煮蔗糖搭配包種綠茶及愛玉, 酸甜好滋味。

Xinyi Green Plum Green Tea 信義脆梅綠
Taiwan green plum and pouchong green tea.
使用南投縣信義鄉青梅搭配包種綠茶, 酸甜解渴且吃得到整棵脆梅。

Lemon Grape Fruit Green Tea 鲜柠柚绿茶

Orange Fruit Tea 柳橙水果茶
Fresh Orange Fruit Tea, Pouchong Green Tea, and Apple & Orange Slices

Mango Passion Fruit Tea 芒果水果茶
Mango, Passion Fruit with Songboling Jade Tea. Note: No topping is allowed.

Grape Fruit Tea 葡萄水果茶
Sweet Grape Juice with Pouchong Green Tea. Note: No topping is allowed.

Black Sugar Pearl Series 黑糖粉圆系列

Black Sugar Pearl Matcha Latte 黑糖粉圆抹茶鲜奶
Black Sugar Soft Pearl, Kyoto Uji Matcha powder and Organic Local Milk. Note: ice and sweetness level is fixed. No topping is allowed.

Black Sugar Pearl Oolong Tea Latte 黑糖粉圆乌龙鲜奶茶
Black Sugar Soft Pearl, Lugu Oolong Tea and Organic Local Milk. Note: ice and sweetness level is fixed. No topping is allowed.

Black Sugar Pearl Tea Latte 黑糖粉圆鲜奶茶
Black Sugar Soft Pearl, Sun Moon Lake Black Tea and Organic Local Milk. Note: ice and sweetness level is fixed. No topping is allowed.

Black Sugar Pearl Milk 黑糖粉圆鲜奶
Black Sugar Soft Pearl and Organic Local Milk

Tea Latte 鮮奶茶

Pearl Black Tea Latte 粉圓鮮奶茶
Sun Moon Lake black tea, fresh local organic milk, and chewy pearl balls. Contains 2 portions of pearls. Note: pearls cannot be removed or substituted.
使用當地有機鮮奶搭配日月潭紅茶加上手工熬煮粉圓, 甘醇爽口。已包含2份珍珠 .

Grass Jelly Tea Latte 仙草凍奶茶
Natural grass jelly in Sun Moon Lake black tea and fresh local organic milk. Contains 2 portions of Grass Jelly. Note: Grass Jelly cannot be removed or substituted.
古法天然仙草凍, 融合新鮮有機鮮乳與日月潭紅茶。已包含2份仙草冻 .

Oolong Tea Latte 烏龍鮮奶
Lugu oolong tea and fresh local organic milk.
使用當地有機鮮奶搭配鹿谷烏龍, 奶香甜味帶茶香。

Black Tea Latte 紅茶鮮奶
Sun Moon Lake black tea and fresh local organic milk.
使用當地有機鮮奶搭配日月潭紅茶, 奶香甜味帶茶香。

Green Tea Latte 翡翠鮮奶
Pouchong green tea and fresh local organic milk.
使用當地有機鮮奶搭配包種綠茶, 奶香甜味帶茶香。

Winter Melon Milk 冬瓜鮮奶
Lugu oolong tea and fresh local organic milk. Cannot adjust sweetness level.
使用當地有機鮮奶搭配鹿谷烏龍, 奶香甜味帶茶香。甜度固定.

Mashed Taro Green Tea latte 手熬芋頭鮮奶綠
Creamy mashed taro with local organic milk & Paochong Green Tea. Note: ice and sweetness levels are fixed.

Mashed Taro Milk 手熬芋頭鮮奶
Creamy mash taro with local organic milk, no artificial color added. Note: ice and sweetness levels are fixed.
手熬芋頭搭配有機鮮奶 綿密又香濃.

Matcha Latte 抹茶拿铁
Kyoto Uji Matcha Powder and local organic milk. Note: Maximum 1 topping is allowed.

Caramel Pudding Tea Latte 焦糖布丁鲜奶茶
Black Tea Latte with House-made Pudding contains 2 Portions of Pudding. Note: pudding cannot be removed or substituted.

Red Bean Black Tea Latte 红豆鲜奶茶
Sweet Red Bean, Black Tea and Organic Milk. Contains Red Beans. Note: red Beans cannot be removed or substituted.

Red Bean Black Tea Latte 红豆鲜奶茶
Sweet Red Bean, Black Tea and Organic Milk. Contains Red Beans. Note: Red Beans cannot be removed or substituted.

Red Bean Milk With Golden Jelly 蜜红豆粉粿
Sweet Red Bean, Organic Milk with Soft Chewy Golden Jelly Ice and Sweetness Levels are Fixed. No Topping is Allowed. Note: Red Bean and Golden Jelly Ingredients cannot be Removed or Substituted.

Red Bean Purple Rice with Coconut Milk 紫米红豆椰奶
Sweet Red Bean, Sweet Purple Rice, Coconut Milk and Organic Milk. Note: No Topping is Allowed. Ingredients cannot be Removed or Substituted.

Cane 甘蔗系列

Shikou Cane Milk 溪口甘蔗牛奶
Taiwan Shikou cane Juice & fresh local organic milk.
使用當地有機鮮奶搭配嘉義溪口甘蔗原汁, 香甜可口.

Shikou Cane Jade Tea 溪口甘蔗青茶
Taiwan Shikou cane Juice & Songboling Jade tea.
使用嘉義縣溪口甘蔗搭配松柏嶺青茶, 甘甜芳香.

Sugar Cane Passionfruit Green Tea 甘蔗百香

Sugar Cane Kumquat Green Tea 甘蔗金桔

Yakult Series 养乐多系列

Yakult Jade Tea 养乐多冰茶
Probiotic Drink with Songboling Jade Tea. Note: No topping is allowed.

Yakult Passion Fruit Green Tea 养乐多百香
Probiotic Drink, Passion Fruit and Pouchong Green Tea. Note: No topping is allowed.

Yakult Pineapple Green Tea 养乐多凤梨
Probiotic Drink, Pineapple Sauce and Pouchong Green Tea.

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